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HWC Certifying Examination

Get the support you need to prepare, study and pass the
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach exam.

Receive a bevy of great tools, and enter your exam with greater confidence and ease.

NBC-HWC Exam Prep Course Curriculum

Instructor: Georgie Coote

Certified Mindful Coach, NBC-HWC

Georgie is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Certified Mindful Change Coach. She moved from the UK in 2004 with her two young daughters and husband and settled on the east side of Seattle, WA. 

Working in the alternative health field for fifteen years, she had a successful Reflexology practice specializing in Maternity Reflexology. She also had the privilege to work with many couples to welcome their new babies into the world as a birth doula. 

She focuses now as a trainer for Guiding Mindful Change and on her private coaching practice, where she is a guide for women and couples as they journey to flourish in midlife.
She is passionate about making her classes fun, collaborative, and inspirational. 

She loves to be on the water in the summer and on snow in the winter. She enjoys traveling, cooking, gardening, and snuggling up with her two dogs with a good book.  

Georgie Coote

Our Guarantee to You!

We have a stellar pass rate, so we boldly make this promise:

If you don't pass the NBC-HWC exam, we will refund your tuition,
OR you can repeat the course until you pass.

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The information provided in our course is for educational and informational purposes only, and is to be utilized solely as a learning tool for your own use and not for diagnosis or prescriptive purposes. 

Health, lifestyle, and healthcare information are continually evolving. Recommendations change frequently and although the information provided is accurate at the time of creation, such recommendations could have been modified or removed since that time. Coaches are responsible to ensure that information is valid and up to date.