Mindful & Meaningful

Continuing Education

NBHWC Approved
Continuing Education Offerings

The following six (6) Continuing Education (CE) courses have been approved by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).

After completing the course and quiz, you will receive your certificate of completion that will be recognized by the NBHWC.

Coaching With Presence:
A Book Study based on Awareness Is Enough -
Reflections on Being a Coach (CEA-000451-3)

Mindful awareness lies at the heart of meaningful, life-changing results for you and your clients. In this liberating journey, Awareness is Enough explores the art of being fully present and its profound impact on the coaching relationship. Readers are invited to pause, reflect, and go deep to discover fresh meaning and purpose in their work and life.

Mindful awareness and non-doing build trust in the coaching relationship, leading to growth and forward progress. The simple act of presence invites forth everything your clients need for self-discovery and positive behavior change.

Throughout this book, you get to slow down and discover the hope and motivation to be regained when connected with mindful awareness. The journey is about welcoming the vulnerable void of a mindful pause and trusting the insight and solutions arising from that space.

The 3-hour course is designed and facilitated by author Billie Frances, NBC-HWC.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, the coach will be able to:

  • Implement strategies to reestablish equilibrium when confronted by a constant or overwhelming urge to do
  • Build trust in the coaching relationship leading to growth and forward progress.
  • Recognize obstacles to making meaningful client connections that empower sustainable change

Also included:
*Participants will receive a link to the Awareness Is Enough: Reflections on Being a Coach eBook. The cost of the eBook is included in the enrollment.
*Interactive community

3 units of CEC/CU

$97 $79


Business Building Basics for Coaches (CEA-000451-2)

A Mindful Roadmap to Success

This course guides you through mindfully crafting your authentic coaching business and helps you build a solid foundation for a successful, sustainable, fulfilling coaching practice.

Whether you are a new coach just setting up your business or have been working for a while and need a reset and a different perspective on how you are building and running your business, this is the course for you!

Facilitated by Georgie Coote NBC-HWC.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, the coach will be able to 

  • Create a vision as a guiding light for your business
  • Understand and implement the nitty-gritty of setting up a business
  • Set and ask for fees with confidence
  • Contemplate which marketing strategy is best for you
  • Create boundaries and a sustainable workload to prevent stress and burnout
  • Implement time-saving strategies for the smooth running of the business

Also included:

*Interviews with successful coaches who have done it THEIR way.

*Workbooks and checklists to keep you on track.

5 units of CEC/CU




Are you looking for a more supportive experience as you launch and build your business?

Our live course offers more accountability, encouragement and support, with small group live webinars and an interactive, vibrant community.

 Kicks off September 2, 2024

Live webinars at 4:00pm Pacific Time 9/17/24, 10/1/24 and 10/15/24

 Get everything listed in the course above...


  • Three live 60-minute webinars for real-time connection and support from your peers and facilitator.
  • A community of like-minded coaches.



Molly Bower

"As a result of this course, I have confidence about creating a pattern of work that feels right for me. I feel good about creating goals for my business and working at a pace and in a way that honors my values. I know confidently that my business can move forward without me having to change who I am. Without this course, several business building steps were going completely undone and delayed. As a result of this course, I properly registered my business, established a bank account, started a business budget, established a pricing schedule, revamped my entire weekly/daily schedule, identified my ideal client, and established some marketing plans that feel authentic and doable for me."

Stacey Robideau

"The program met its stated objectives: Strongly Agree
The information was applicable and useful: Strongly Agree
The instructor demonstrated mastery of the subject: Strongly Agree
The course mechanics were delivered efficiently: Strongly Agree
Teaching methods were appropriate: Strongly Agree

Very informative and well presented. Thank you!"

Coaching Mastery Series (CE-000174-1)

This course is for coaches who want to explore and expand their coaching presence, skills and effectiveness.  Sit in on this recorded interactive master class with NBC-HWC Billie Frances for a deep dive into coaching skills, live coaching practice, and mentoring support.  Topics range from boundaries to ethical referrals to readiness for change.

Upon completion of this program, you will be able to

  • Make ethical referrals for concerns outside your scope of practice as a coach
  • Expand your ability to engage clients in choosing a focus for the coaching session
  • Set boundaries to minimize frustration and resentment 
  • More readily refer clients to outside resources 
  • Tailor coaching to client’s readiness to change
  • Expand on client awareness

6 Units of CEC/CE



What Our Students Are Saying

Amber Fowble

"I really enjoyed the refresh that this course provided me. It was great to hear how self awareness and self care practices can really set me up to support my clients the best. Very excited to utilize some of the learnings and powerful questions in my coaching."

Kathleen Duffy

"I learned some new tips in addition to many good reminders of effective coaching techniques. I also found the handouts to be very useful and will use going forward with my coaching clients. I always find it interesting how even "seasoned" coaches can always benefit from programs like this and use the information and experience to reinvigorate their own coaching."

Melissa Factor

"This class was amazing... I enjoyed this class! Loved the fact they offered coaches to practice and demonstrate which gave me tips and new ideas to offer my clients. The site was easy to operate and at times when I had to pause, I was able to begin right where I left off. This course was worth the fee, I look forward to more opportunities from your site, ty!!"

Suzanne Elizondo

"Thank you, Billie. You are an excellent coach and facilitator. I loved the section on self-awareness. Thought provoking. I felt safe to explore and admit that I have biases and wandering mind during sessions, too. :-) It was nice to normalize this."

Meghan McHale

"This was a VERY helpful and enjoyable course! I really learned a lot from listening to the peer coaching sessions. I think one of my favorite things about them was how they would use the learned skill from the module but the sessions were not perfect, which made it relatable to being a coach. Those stuck moments were good learning moments and something every coach experiences. I took something away from each module, like how to make referrals and helping unfocused clients. It was helpful listening to the content as well as the coaches coaching each other. I really gained a lot of insight on their coaching styles and how they applied the skills learned."

Group Coaching Facilitation for
Health & Wellness Professionals (CE-000052-1)

This course walks you through the steps to plan, implement and facilitate successful coaching groups.  Topics include logistics, norms, promotion, personal preparation and 15 top facilitation skills.  Also included are downloadable templates to help you design and customize your next coaching group.  The 3-hour course is designed and facilitated by Billie Frances, NBC-HWC.

NBHWC Approved Course seal

Upon completion of this program, the coach will be able to 

  • Learn and implement group facilitation guidelines  
  • Customize group offerings based on needs, logistics and structure
  • Establish personal preparation practices
  • Clarify group norms
  • Plan group promotion and enrollment

3 Units of CEC/CE



What Our Students Are Saying

Nicole Florez

"The PDFs were very helpful, especially the guiding questions presented to help think about how to go about designing one's group."

Julie Buck

"This course had great info and I feel more confident in creating and facilitating groups for coaching. I liked that there were separate modules to break topics up."

Everyday Mindfulness (CEA-000451-1)

Mindfulness when mastered, can provide a heightened quality of living.

This course will help you identify Mindfulness practices that work for you. It will also give you tools to be more fully present for your clients and enhance your listening, evoking, inquiry and goal-setting skills.

Facilitated by Billie Frances, NBC-HWC.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, the coach will be able to 

  • Assess current mindfulness practices
  • Discern roadblocks to self-awareness
  • Implement methods to be more fully present
  • Design a successful daily mindfulness practice

1 unit of CEC/CU



What Our Students Are Saying

Naomi Godfrey

I had a lot of takeaways with this course. Thank you for sharing the 25 Questions document.

Help & Heal Without Draining Your Energy (CE-000189-1)

People in helping and healing professions often wrestle with finding balance between serving others and taking care of themselves.

Perhaps you relate to times when you were so caught up helping others that you forgot about your own needs.

And, if we consistently give away energy we need for ourselves, we may be on a path to burnout.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn how to step back, take a breath and remember that you can’t
    give from any empty well.
  • Learn how to serve others without draining or depleting yourself.
  • Learn how to fill your well with fresh ideas and energy 
  • Learn how to serve others and yourself simultaneously
  • Learn how to redirect healing energy for your personal wellbeing

Facilitated by Billie Frances, M.A., NBC-HWC

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, the coach will be able to 

  • Become more comfortable with not knowing
  • Find balance between helping others and taking care of herself/himself
  • Use mindful practices to quiet the mind
  • Retire the perfectionism-procrastination loop
    Implement strategies to avoid the expert trap

1.25 units of CEC/CU
