May 10, 2024
Wishing you peace during these troubling times.
Along with so many Americans, I am riding waves of emotions as the events in our country unfold. I am inspired by acts of courage and angered by acts that deny human rights. I am troubled by the suffering, fear, doubt, and confusion, and hopeful that these events will lead to a needed correction in outworn biases, beliefs, policies, and practices.
America is calling for a change and I want to be part of the solution. That means engaging in the outer events and to honestly assess my convictions as well as my own biases. It’s recognizing that while I passionately believe we are equal members of a human family; I nonetheless carry deeply ingrained beliefs about separateness that must be examined and reconciled.
One source of support is my own mission statement: To teach and serve with love. It has also been a source of support to remember the principles that guide Guiding Mindful Change, our teachings, and coaches:
Since 2000, Guiding Mindful Change has asserted 4 tenets:
- People are naturally whole and resourceful
And, by that we mean that ALL people are by nature, whole, complete, resourceful, and innately good.
- Balance is essential for fulfillment
Balance means fairness, equanimity, and justice for all including balanced opportunities to live, work and access resources for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
- Clients are their own authority for change
We serve, support, and empower one another by embracing diversity and honoring each person’s unique pathway to fulfillment.
- Change is promoted with mindful guidance, support, and partnership
We learn to restrain ourselves from imposing our ideas onto others. Instead, we elicit our clients’ wisdom and partner with them to realize their ideas, ideals, and intentions.
Guiding Mindful Change stands for a world that works for everyone. We will continue to be inclusive, philanthropic, principled and a source of healing. We will continue to promote human rights and will advocate for justice when those rights are violated. We will stay present, aware, and mindful to truly see what is happening and make conscious choices to promote mutually beneficial and meaningful change.
Join me in taking a stand for healing. Join me in declaring your principles and values. Join me in being honest with your own blind spots and biases. And join me in courageously doing whatever thing (large or small) you can to put in the correction that the human family and our nation are so desperately calling for.
Billie Frances
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